About Me

I am a research scientist at SB Intuitions/LY/LINE Corporation working on machine learning. In my past life, I was a particle physicist. I received my Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Tokyo in 2017, and my B.Sc. in physics (also from the University of Tokyo) in 2012. Upon graduating, I spent a year at the Technical University of Munich as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie ESR, followed by a stint at NEC Corporation as a researcher.

Research Interests

My current interests lie in training large language models. I am also interested in security and privacy issues of machine learning, statistics, theoretical computer science, physics and mathematics in general.



  • Ph.D. in Physics, the University of Tokyo, 2017
  • M.S. in Physics, the University of Tokyo, 2014
  • B.S. in Physics, the University of Tokyo, 2012

Main Awards